Tranquillity....damnnn, tHat biatch(lets call her 'B', she used to be one wayback..hehehee) is hecKuva pain in de arss! she's kept spiNNing bOut Oh-I-HAD-A-NEW-DISCOVERY (not to mention,exPiRED one) and she continue spiNNing as if she aLmost had an orgasm =____=(okay i knw, ewwwwwww..)
As she kept spinning & continue her journey to u knw where, my mOuse is crawling among those pages & clicking like a zOmbie(i wana be the MJ's zombie frm Plant vs zomBie game!! hahaa). Look-Booking, my fingers jst sways thru the links n clicked on the "create blOG" taB. It jst landed there, uncOnsciously O__O, i guess its fate-ED.
Honestly i aLmost giv up on creating bLog as its been on one of my top 10 TO DO LIST in 2009 yet its already septeMber n i'm not even motivated(dont ask me wheter i've done the others, i can't even recall wat are the other 8 items =P IRONIC, i end up doing it now in d midst of boRedom & try to shut off my bRain frm the buzzing (sumone's one her way to achieve the big "O", again...ewwwww)
so i guess tis is my no.2 fav. spot (no.1 is tadaaaa,my BED =P). Make sure u peeps hang on tiGht to ur seat as i'LL be spiLLing lots of deliciOus, riCh & crispy crapyy crapsssss!! hahhaaa...ciaO for now! ;)
=Genuinely by PretzyNess=
what ever it is, Welcome to blogging world!
cool..we need to feed on craps to survive!! crappy ? hahaa...tanks guys!
is it too late for me to say WELCOME!!!? one month late worr.. hahahah
nOpe...i am 10 days late in replying u ? its a DRaw! hahaaaa...tanks =P
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