October 29, 2009
why aRe we not busy hunTing foR pumPkins!??
aRe you ONE of those who are busy hunting for Pumpkins these 2 days?? aRe YOU of them who are busy picking on oOh-so-hOrror custume for your lil pleasure, trick or treat ?? hehee..weLL, here in malaysia we dont quite celebrate halloween. Some may organize some sort of-a-like-halloween ambience party, infaCt we do “pull” & rock it in our own way! Ahakss...
So, the above photo is a traditional Irish halloween Jack-O'-lantern from the early 20th. Somehow it brings up the eerie feeling because it has the element of the festival of the dead people. Believe it or not this celebration originate from Ireland(also well known for their sexy & hot guy...JK) & Scotland(the land wear men wear skirts & its much exciting if they play peek-a-bOo...ahaakss). Anyway, according to the Celt in the ancient, the gap between this world & the “Other World” became thin that the spirit, regardless its gud spirit or bad, can come onto our humanic world & pay a visit to their family members(awwwwww or Uhhowww? U decide...hahaaa )
And here's a fact for you all who are attending those halloween custume party, the purpose of wearing one on halloween is to disguise as one of the gHost(so they thought you were one of them...ahakss..hahaaa) and avoid the nasty jokes frm them! Ring a bell ? It does sounds like the chinese believe where they celebrate the, Hungry Ghost Festival.
Infact, the festival is celebrate on the 7th Month of the Chinese calender(Nong Li), where the HELL's gate loose open and all the spirits come wondering in our world. During these time, its like a food fiesta along the road. You'll see fire burning(Sean Kingston, Fire Burning song in the bCkground, jst imagine it k!) , sumwhat like BBQ. Not forgetting all those candies, cookies, Apples & oranges scattered all along the road. So can u get the picture??! are you wit me ? hahaa...Btw, this festival is celebrated over the whole month. So, sit tight and dont come home late cause you dont wanna bump into 'one' on the way home...kekekkeee...
oOH! Happy Trick or Treat! (or have fun thRowing rotten at someone you hate! Ahakss..)
October 23, 2009
October 21, 2009
TakE a 'BRAKE'
Feeling nauseas, like a suLphur buRing a hoLe as it makes its way thru my bRain....hOw can i foRgot that i'm still having my periOd & pLan to go for a swim, later this evening. Do i need mOre stick-iT-Note to remind me, DO I do I dO I ? dOOdle dooo...la la laaa
Counting down towards christmas & with nothing to lOok upOn(at least in the west they have snow to look forward to eihh ??!), the feeling of LOST & unable to grasp on something firm is rinGing HARD. IF only it was really as easy as 1 2 3, like those typical advertisement shown on telivison or we can jst puLL out our compas & know which directions to head to...and marched our way there!
Maybe the feeling will go away as the woRk loads pile( HAIL the jOB that pays off the bILLs, but the pay never RISE, lately...aahaakss~). Shop-a-Therapy ? Some aDrenaline puMping activity perHaps ? I guess its time to Close dowN the scraP bOok with a few pages left for 2009, ASTALAVISTA Babe!! *Burn sCrapbOOk hystericly & PAUSE, is it too early for that? ahaaksss* Can i like have time maChine, had the VENUE-O-METER to the Cowboy era? Because suddenly i felt like riding on a hoRse like a cowboy then shOOt the hell out of all the BAD PUSSY...ahaaakk..hakkss... Okay, i need to stop hunting & Pecking on the keys on my bOard..hahaaa~
Feeling nauseas, like a suLphur buRing a hoLe as it makes its way thru my bRain....hOw can i foRgot that i'm still having my periOd & pLan to go for a swim, later this evening. Do i need mOre stick-iT-Note to remind me, DO I do I dO I ? dOOdle dooo...la la laaa
Counting down towards christmas & with nothing to lOok upOn(at least in the west they have snow to look forward to eihh ??!), the feeling of LOST & unable to grasp on something firm is rinGing HARD. IF only it was really as easy as 1 2 3, like those typical advertisement shown on telivison or we can jst puLL out our compas & know which directions to head to...and marched our way there!
Maybe the feeling will go away as the woRk loads pile( HAIL the jOB that pays off the bILLs, but the pay never RISE, lately...aahaakss~). Shop-a-Therapy ? Some aDrenaline puMping activity perHaps ? I guess its time to Close dowN the scraP bOok with a few pages left for 2009, ASTALAVISTA Babe!! *Burn sCrapbOOk hystericly & PAUSE, is it too early for that? ahaaksss* Can i like have time maChine, had the VENUE-O-METER to the Cowboy era? Because suddenly i felt like riding on a hoRse like a cowboy then shOOt the hell out of all the BAD PUSSY...ahaaakk..hakkss... Okay, i need to stop hunting & Pecking on the keys on my bOard..hahaaa~
October 20, 2009
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